Az előző posztban megmutattam már a mintakendő teljes mintáját, ezzel a munka első fázisa készen van. Megrendeltem a fonalakat is Ninától. Hogy azonnal bele is tudjak kezdeni a munkába, még a vásznat kellett előkészítenem.
Lenvászonra dolgozom majd, pontos adatom nincs róla miféle vászon, kiárusításban rendeltem egy internetes áruházból szinte ingyen, kevés pénzért. A vászonnak fehér színe volt, ami úgy gondoltam kevésbé illene a samplerhez, ezért házilag festeni készültem. A festés kávéval történt, kissé krémszínű lett tőle az anyag. Pontosan nem tudom milyen arányban tettem kávét a forró vízbe, illetve mennyi ideig áztattam, inkább próbálkozás eredménye, mint pontos tervezésé. Festés után, mikor megfelelő árnyalatúnak tűnt a vászon, ecetben öblítettem, hogy a szín tartós legyen. Ezek után kezdődhet a hímzés.
In one of the previous posts I shared with you the finished pattern for the sampler, the first part of the work is done. I've ordered also the floss from Nina. Before I can jump right into work I was in need to dye the fabric.
I will use linen for the stitching, however I don't know exactly what kind of fabric it is. I bought it on sale from an online shop, for very little money. The linen was white, but I thought it will not go together with the pattern and the finished piece what I had in mind. Therefore I dyed it with coffee. It became a light beige color. I don't know how strong the coffee was or exactly how long I left the fabric in the coffee mixture, it was more of a trying and error then an exact plan for the process. After the fabric had the color what I liked, I washed it out in water with some vinegar as kind of stabilizer, so the color will last longer. The stiching fun can now begin.
In one of the previous posts I shared with you the finished pattern for the sampler, the first part of the work is done. I've ordered also the floss from Nina. Before I can jump right into work I was in need to dye the fabric.
I will use linen for the stitching, however I don't know exactly what kind of fabric it is. I bought it on sale from an online shop, for very little money. The linen was white, but I thought it will not go together with the pattern and the finished piece what I had in mind. Therefore I dyed it with coffee. It became a light beige color. I don't know how strong the coffee was or exactly how long I left the fabric in the coffee mixture, it was more of a trying and error then an exact plan for the process. After the fabric had the color what I liked, I washed it out in water with some vinegar as kind of stabilizer, so the color will last longer. The stiching fun can now begin.
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